Friday, October 2, 2009

Descriptive-Narrative Essay: Bieke O Muerte by Marithelma Costa

Please read the essay "Bieke O Muerte: or My Encounter with the Canibales" by Marithelma Costa.

Post a comment on the blog which answers the following questions:

1) How does Costa's description affect your reading of the event?
2) In her narrative, does Costa present a problem? Does she offer a solution? If so, what does she offer?
3) Is the essay solely about Vieques?
4) Why does Costa end the essay with the Post-Script?


Angel Arce Cruz, ME5 said...

It doesn't affect the reading, unless you aren't giving it a focused mind on it. It can mess up your reading, because she describes to much, making the essay longer; forcing the reader to be more focused in the literature. She presents a problem, The Marine in Vieques. The problems is that the marines have infected Vieques with radioactive products like, uranium, which causes the human DNA to change. She doesn't offer any solution, she only shows some independentist against this invasion, like Ruben Berrios, The former leader of the PIP. The eesay talks about vieques and some of his history, execept in the middle part which she describes the people that accompined her in the jorney. In my opinion she finish like that, because she didn't intentd to write an essay but more as a Letter, an informal letter to a friend, or to Vieques it self.

Angel Arce Cruz

P.D- Sorry it late, i didnt have internet at home.

Normary P. Marrero said...

This essay affect my reading becase she was saying to much, but it was like I wasn't getting any of it, at first I didnt understand most of it, it was really complicated for me to get it. Once I set my mind a complete blank, forgetting the Vieques of today and the stories I have heard, I started to get it and let it influence my reading by feeling like I was hte interviwer and I was the one that travel in Vieques in 2000(before the Vieques I know today).
In the essay she presents a description of the journey to get an interview(which was the whole point of the trip), she gives case scenarios of some of the people that are there along in parts of her trip, she mentions a little about their stories and I can't help but deduce that she in way is talking of the constant abuse against the independentistas that are protesting to free Vieques, like the way they were in prison for years. She talks about previews interviews before interviewing the leader of the independentista party Ruben Berrios, and says that they talk about everything, economics, connenctions, about poetry but waht caught my attention was that they talked about political prisoners and I really wished that she would tell that conversation.
She and her companion continued the journey and even thought I dont think is the main problem(well at least not the one shes giving), her description of the misiles, trucks, destroyed airplanes and grounds do represent a big problem. Her essay is complicated because she describes too much and I dont really get the point or the main problem.
But the problem I can see is the marine and the consequence of her(the marine) being in Vieques(they are destructive to the land and the civilians, like the case of David Sanes, he died because of the marine), and the way some civilians protest to free the land but it always will end the same, them(the protestors) in prison.
She does not only talk about Vieques, she also mention the view from there and the Yunque, stories and persons who fill an interesting part in the essay including the Governor at that time and yes, of Vieques too. Every step of the travel and every interview give a differnt story but the same reason behind it, free Vieques even thought they might end up in Federal Jail.
She ends the essay with the Post-scipt because it kind of summons and give the point of the whole essay and it supports the story behind it and behind Vieques itself. The Post-script was the supportive essence that I felt was missing from the essay.


P.s I'm really truly sorry I hadn't comment in this one earlier because I didn't see it. My page hadn't download completely, I only saw the one with the video.

Lilliedmarie Acevedo Cuevas ME5 said...

I agree with my classmates. She is telling her journey to get some interviews. But she is saying too much with too many details. I think this makes the reading boring if it is not a subject on which you are interested. I think the problem she is considering is all the social, economical and physical consequences that has had the presence of the Navy in Vieques. But she doesn’t give any solution. She only tell what other people do to demonstrate their discontent with this actions. And all they have had to suffer to defend what they believe. I don’t think is only about Vieques as a place. Every interview is a different story, a different point of view but with a place in common, Vieques. She ends with a post-script in with she told us the outcome of all the stories that were growing throughout the entire essay.

Lilliedmarie Acevedo Cuevas

Gretchen Ten said...

It affects my reading a lot because she (like a student said before) she describes to many things and it gets confusing. I had to read a paragraph a few times before getting it right then I read the whole "essay" (it doesn't look like an essay to me)to you could say "taste it" which it "tastes" more of a letter than a essay to me. Costa does present a problem but not a solution; she presented the solutions that the people was putting into action. Is not solely about vieques but every point of view that each people had and she did brief us with a little history. Like i said before it "tasted" more like a letter than a essay.
PS: I don not have internet in my house *nervous laugh*

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Costa wanted to describe every single detail in her trip and to me that was confusing.I had to clean my mind and put all my attention to what I was reading, because if in one second I lose focus, then I was lost and didn't understand most of what I was reading.She presents the problem about the presence of military in Vieques, and the effect that has in the island and the people, but she doesn't give a solution, she only tell us what she saw, like an anecdote.This essay is mostly about the people she met there and the interviews, that was what I could understand. Costa end the essay with the post-script because to me, that part gives the essay more power about what she tried to tell us before in the essay.

-grace alcocer-

Unknown said...

Marithelma Costa’ description gets confusing at times because of her over-excess of descriptions of every move she makes, but you get the hang of it trough the continuous reading of her essay. In Costa’s narrative, she provides the reader the many sorrowful problems Vieques’ defendants had to go through because of the Navy invading the island for military training, but does not provide a solution. The essay is not completely about Vieques, is also about the people that had fought for its freedom, and their stories, all the things they had suffered. The Post-Script at the end of the essay, to me, It looked more as a letter, something that she wanted to express to every reader. It’s like a review of all that happened during her visit to Vieques, and what she was told by the local people.

Unknown said...

marithelma Costa gave to the reader lots of details about other things that weren't much needed or related to the topic.the positive side of giving that much of details is that you can visualise the place in where the problem is happening. I think that Marithelma Costa did not presented a clear problem through her essay nighter a solution .

Unknown said...

..........she wrote that the marine in vieques was the problem. and their radioactive wastes were extremely dangerous for the habitant of vieques and everything on the island. Thats totally true! but she got stuck on that fact that everybody is able to know. she never offered a solution or and idea to help the reader think deeper about the topic.

Unknown said...

The concept of Costa's was good but for my gets a little bite boring because only talks about the people that was their and not to much of the real problem. The problem that she present its that a friend was kill when the military was doing a practice but she don't present any solution and also don't say anything more far of the real problem of Vieques. I think the post scrip is to tell was happens after she do the essay because all the situation wasn't over and she want to clear it up to the readers

marla gonzalez said...

Costa's description was too extensive, he added way too many little details that in parts made it a hard to read. We are presented with vieques's problem as a testing area of bombs and misiles and hos it has afected the population in the island. She also narrates about the experience of meeting all the campers, the people who protested againts the injustice.We learn a little about each personality their way of thinking, what they felt and their peronal purpose so the narration is not all about Vieques it self. I belive that Marithelma Costa wanted to reinforce that eventouth many protestants were arrested, the island was not left alone there were people till fighting for her it was as if she offerd a conclusion in that pos-script.

Elba J. Rodriguez said...

Costa’s description affects my reading because she gave too many details and description and it got me confused. In the begging I didn’t understand the essay that much but then I had more clear idea of what it was about. At the beginning it was a little boring because she was only describing places and people in Vieques, but then it got interesting when they talked about their personal experiences in Vieques. The problem that Costa presents in the essay is about the marine in Vieques and how if has affected them, but she doesn’t give a solution to this problem. The essay is not only about Vieques, it’s more about the people who lives in Vieques and their experiences with the invasion of the marines. She talks about important people such as Rubén Berrios the president of the PIP. Costa ends her essay with the post- script because she gives uf the whole point of the essay. She uses it to present a clear idea of it.

Unknown said...

Costa's desciption affect my reading because she gives us too many detail about what she is trying to tell us, but later I could understand it. For me the problem that she is bringing to us in this essay is the problem of the marines in the island and who it affects the island. The essay is not solely about Vieques because she talks about short stories about the poeple that where in Vieques in past years and she also talk about the goverment and PIP. She ends with the post script because there she expalins what is Vieques passing with the marines in the island.

Kiara Ruby Rodriguez said...

Costa's description affected me because I didnt uderstand it at first later on I started to understand a bit more, not completly. She presents a ton of problems but not solutions.The essay is solely about Vieques and what I really like of this essay is how she presents some experiences of the persons affected in Vieques. At the end she provides us with a Post-script to under stand more the problems in Vieques.

Josué C. Morales said...

One thing that affect my reading is the many people that the writer menction: I don't need to know who wetnwith her to Vieques and who, I don't care of that. She is giving us the info that she take the interview of each one. I don't undersatand why she is talking about that people like modern day Caribs, maybe the answer is in the rest or the essay, but my internet failed first with the video and then with this: my computer got freeze. But I saw that she in not talking only about Vieques, she givi us more information about the people that she interview.

Lyanne Alicea said...

Marithelma Costa is over descriptive in her essay, making it too long and at times very confusing. It was too over emphasized creating a bit of a dull essay to read. Costa presents a couple of problems but no solutions, such as the effects of the Marines' bombardment on the island but she does not say how she can help the community of Vieques. Instead she offers the rebels opinion on the topic and how they had defended their island and the consequences it brought. Everything she narrates n the essay is not completely about Vieques, because she talks about the Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño (PIP). She also talks about the experiences that the rebels had at that time, but she still found a way to intertwine all of it again to Vieques. Costa uses the post-script at the end to summarize the whole essay. In my opinion it is like the missing puzzle piece of the whole narrative, it's what she didn't say during the essay.

Unknown said...

Costa's provide us too many description and lost focus of what really she wanted to talk, but in the title is telling us that she won't tell us not only about Bieke but also about something she said: my encounter with the canibales. When she in the title use the word "or" she was trying to tell us that Vieques was not the only focus in the essay, and that was what happens in the essay. She describes many things and things not only from Bieke and making us doubt if is there a problem. I think she ends with a post script because she forgot to mention some important things or she tought that her visit to the island or talking with Ruben Berrios about some things in Viekes was more important.