Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How Write with Style

Please click on the above title link, How to Write with Style

Kurt Vonnegut, the author, begins and ends his essay with a focus on ""having something to say". Why is this an important element for him or for the essay?
Write your comments in your notebook. We will discuss in class.

"Ön Reading and Writing", Patterns of Reflection, Pearson and Longman Publishers.


Unknown said...

I think the most important idea here is having the guts to publish you writing. Good if you wrote it... Good, you thought it sums up your thoughts...Good you think you wrote it with all the passion...but... Would you dare to let the whole world read it and be prepared for the bad and good criticizing (hoping that is good).

Normary P. Marrero said...

I completely agree with you Gretchen, still I think that following the pattern that Vonnegut says makes it a lot easier. I mean, what he wrote its true! You do have to have something to say, and say what you mean and say it without rambling and sounding like yourself. I think that it just makes it better.

Normary P. Marrero

JAlberdeston said...

Excellent comments!'Let's continue the discussion in class.

Unknown said...

"Having something to say" is very important because is what you want the others to know about. Is the main idea, and it all depends on how you say what you want to say, the tone and the way you write. I agree with Gretchen and Normary...

-grace alcocer-

ps: sorry I didn't commented here on time...