Friday, October 2, 2009

Bees, Bunkers, and Bombs [A Video About Vieques]

Watch the link to the video above. Post your opinion of the video. Questions you should ask yourself. Keep in mind the "Who, What, When, Why, How, Where, So What" aspects of critical reading:

1) How relevant is the information? What is the conflict? What is the problem?
2) Do the tourists offer reliable information? Is the information true?
3) If the information is incorrect? If not, how does this change your perception of the video and the actors in the video?
4) What information is missing from the video? What would you have changed?
5) Are the actors in the video qualified to provide this information?
6) At the end one of the actors says, "Never come here." What is your perception of this last sentence?


Normary P. Marrero said...

The information in the video is relevant in the way the worked it up to express the conflict, which is the way the military was using vieques as a millitary base and it was damaging and hurting the viequenses. With their constant bombing, and them being targets, and the way the almost took over all Vieques leaving the population in the middle, they were hurting the population and affecting their lifestyles, their freedom and most of all their land and homes. They didn't keep up the promise that they will bring prosperity to Vieques, instead they bring missery, and in one case even death, which was the impulse that started the "protest" and the viequenses fought together to kick it out. The actors did a pretty good job, by finding the realible source and by taking up a little bit deeper in vieques. I liked the way they abstarct it all up, including that in may 1st 2003 after 10 years of protesting the military base was out of vieques. I think the actors were quilified they did a good job because they knew what happened, but I wold mention that vieques is in Puerto Rico and that puertorricas fought along with the viequenses, and I will also mention that the protesting that went on for 10 years, wasn't peacefull they were alot of victims and some of the protestors were even lockedup in jail, and then I wold've give examples.

The sentence in the end " Never come here", made me a little mad, because it sounded ignorant, I mean if they(the actors) weren't prepared to do the walking and all, it doesnt mean that because of that, people can't come to Vieques. I mean the wost is gone, now Vieques is a historic place and it would be a good experience to see and know what happened in there.

Normary P. Marrero

Angel Arce Cruz, ME5 said...

The Information has some relevance, but i think the part of the 3 young persons, was over the limit, because it dind't have any relevance toward the problem that vieques use to have. Depending of where the turist got the information, is tru or not, beacuse some people change stuff over the year, but i think that he is saying the true. In my opinion the information needs to mention the people that fight against the invasion, ike Ruben Berrios, and other people trying to recue Vieques. I dont think the actor were qualifiy for this video, i think if they were more serious they could qualify. The perception of those word, for me it means; Never come again, theare better islands with less incects. They were taunting our flora and fauna.

Angel Arce Cruz

Lilliedmarie Acevedo Cuevas ME5 said...

I think it has some relevance because they are showing the impact in vieques that has had the military presence. The conflict here is the same; they are expressing the damage that military’s cause to Vieques. The information here is correct, but I didn’t like the actor’s attitude. Because they need to be more serious and support with evidence what they said maybe doing more interviews. It was good until the end, when he said never come here, it was ignorant. They are doing a video about the impact of military presence here not a touristic video. How they can say that if they only show the ugly side of the island.

P. D sorry I had a really bad connection at home and I can't see the video.

Lilliedmarie Acevedo ME5

Unknown said...

The information is relevant because they went to Vieques to see and show the public of what they were talking, they didn't say anything that wasn't true.They talked about the presence of the military during 10 years in vieques and the impact they had in the people that lived there. The military cause damage to the island, turism and even death with the continuos bombing and practice.

I agree with Normary, that the actors forgot to mention that Vieques is part of Puerto Rico and that a very large part of the protestants where from the big island (PR), and that there were a lot of violence during the protest.

I think the actors were qualified, but at the end when they said "Never come here" made me mad, because Vieques is a beautifull place to visit with family and friends, the beach is wonderfull and the people that live in there too. They said that like if it were a dangerous place to go, and is not.

-grace alcocer-

Unknown said...

The video has some relevance regarding the information that the tourists are trying to show with their brief footage. The conflict is that the military, 10 years ago, came to the island of Vieques to train their soldiers and practice with their weaponry and bombs. The people of Vieques strike against them, during the course of many years, until 2003 that they decided to leave, which was a lot of time. The people of the island just fought for their rights, because it is their island, and not property of the military, as they want to think that they own everything. I think that the tourist needed to extend the information that they provided. They should have showed interviews from the local people, and from Ruben Berrios, who even got arrested trying to express his anger against the military. I also thought that they should have changed the tourists, because I think they acted in an awkward way at the end of the video, saying “never come here”, which I thought was very stupid, because if their reason to showcase the problems that Vieques had to suffer, and wanted people to come visit the island, that wasn’t the right words to use for motivating someone.

Unknown said...

I think the video had some nice info. The info. about Viequez and the navy was really completed and I learn a lot about the invasion and the lies that the navy told the people on Viequez. The only thing that I got tho say about the video that i did not like was the muisic at the bagining and the part that the guys are talking about how dangures is the bunker because the things that they say it can hapen to you in almost all the mauntains in P.R.

Elba J. Rodriguez said...

The information of this video is relevant by the way they inform us of how Vieques was used as a military base. The conflict in this video is that for almost 10 years the viequenses were hurt and damaged by the bombing in Vieques. I liked the way they all got together to protest to get the military out. I think the actors were qualified to provide this information because they demonstrated that they had knowledge of what they were talking about. In the end when the actor says, “Never come here”, it annoyed me by the fact that Vieques is a beautiful place to visit and the place is not dangerous anymore unless you’re not careful.

Kiara Ruby Rodriguez said...

I find this information very relevant. Its great getting to know what really happened in Vieques and how it affected people who lived there. The tourists give us a reliable information and very easy to understand. I would like to see more historical information about how it affected nature and also see what people from Vieques felt during and after the bombing. How did they feel waiting on a promise that was never granted? Although the information was very well explained I don’t think the actors were qualified for this video, they didn’t look serious at all; they were laughing and cursing, not too proper for a video that is delicate for people who lived that nightmare .At he the end “ never come here” is not clear, did he refer to the base or to the island?

Unknown said...

I think that this video is very relevant because the information bringing to us is really important and is telling the true about how the military take vieques to do military practice and dosen't worry about the people that life in the island and also leaving thinks like bunkers in there. The actor do their job well and that was telling some information about when all this start, what was the use of that base and the way puertoricans get all together to try to finish with all this problem. Something that for me will have to change it was the perception and concept of the video i get focus more on the beautiful beaches and the positive way. Other thinks that I change is that the actors have to be a little more serious and be in tone with the theme.

I really hate that last sentence because give the wrong perception and if the person not know the island will be think that whole Vieques is a dumpster of the military base and soon at you step on in their you will see bomb everywhere, and those how know the island is not like that.

Keishla M Rivera ME5

marla gonzalez said...

The information presented was the remains of the military camp in Vieques and how it wa left after all the years of the US military presence. They present a brief information on what was going on in the island during those ten years of the military presence.This information wa provided in an interview to one of the people living there. The actor in the video were maybe not so reliable more than information it seemed as a joke, having just a good time each of them there were allot of information missing. I think more interviews more historical facts, but maybe they are not the people qualified to give information like this again because they presented a general explanation of the island and its dificult times. I was shock because how can one of the actors ay "never come here" that was his personal experience, his oppinion it may not be everyone's feeling and even more the video it selfe wa not a good source of information so I don't believe that was his position to say what he did.

Unknown said...

The information is relevant because they want to present the problem that the militaries are using the island as a military base. They are throwing to many bombs and the people that leave in Vieques are affected by this abuse of the militaries. They promise something to them but they didn’t keep the promise that was to bring prosperity to the island. The thing that the bring island was problems and death. This problems have led to the people to protest and fight for their rights. I think the actor did a great job, to keep looking information about the problem in Vieques. This was wonderful because it mention that Puerto Rico help Vieques to fight to take out the marines. He mention to that it wasn’t easy and in peace and also many people end in jail. I think the last sentence “Never come here “is not a good one because he sais like don’t come to Vieques like it’s like something bad I think the people should come to Vieques and see the good part of this precious island.

Josué C. Morales said...

First, i dont saw the full video, I had problem with my comp. I think that the people made a good job. I never seen one of those "caseta" where they got. I think that the information gived is relevant because the people may know wmat happened after the "marina" leaves Vieques, for example what they left. I think that they could edit the part of the video when he is ¡Ò@¡*%$#@*%%#!!!! for more information about the topic. About the actors, they are goob informant, but they are not from P.R. and I think that the video could had more credible information if the actors were from P.R. specifically from Vieques. I don't saw the end of the video but that sentence sounds like a warning telling us that if we go to Vieques can happen something grong, thats a phrase that a Puerto Rican would never have said.

Unknown said...

This video have some relevant information because it presents how is Vieques suffering because of the military activity.Here is presentig us that Vieques is trying to say to the militaries that stop the war and stop using Vieques like a playground for their own purposes. I think the problem is very clear Viequenses want peace and the goverment is not gaving them peace and security in their private space.The tourists try in their own way to gave us information but their were like in a joke mode. This affect me because is also part of my island and many years the Vienquenses are trying to get out the marine and all the effects that the marine caused, and they try but not that good. I will chage the way that the youngs one present the part of the bunkers but also they gave a true statement because in the island posibly are many radioactive material that can affect the Viequenses health because when the marine in obligation were out of Cuba they came to PR and make there boms and manage radioactive material. Because of this there were and still are so many deads, not only the uranium also the mercury affected they and because of that the Viequenses got angry and the marine after ten years they decided to go.
When the actors said never come here in my personal opinion I think that he didn't have a good experience because of the insects and the chemicals and want the people to know that this is a place with very hight levels of radiation but in my opinion is a very special place for me because represents what the goverment is doing to us.